From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course

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How to key a cloud out of the sky

How to key a cloud out of the sky - Nuke Tutorial

From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course

How to key a cloud out of the sky

- [Steve] Keying a cloud out of the sky is a delicate operation. Not only are there lots of wispy edges and details to be retained, but it's also sitting on a very uneven backing, namely the sky. So we've got to even up the sky region in order to get a fine key, so screen correction to the rescue, along with a few other tricks. So let's start by looking at our clean plate. I'm gonna use a little bit of a different procedure. Instead of using the IBK color node, it's a little too crude for this, so we're gonna use a Keylight node instead. So let me open that guy up, and I'm gonna reset that, and dial it in for you. So first of all using Shift, Alt, Command or Control will sample our backing region, check the alpha channel out. Now I need to clear all of this out to black. Viewer gamma up, Screen Gain up, and tragically as I clear out all the backing noise, I'm also shrinking my wispies. Very unfortunate, but that's the physics of the thing. So I had to do a Screen Gain of 1.38 to clear…
