From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course

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How to add more hair detail

How to add more hair detail - Nuke Tutorial

From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course

How to add more hair detail

- [Instructor] This chapter is about solutions to special keying problems such as fine hair detail, motion blur, reflections and even working with bad video. Each video focuses on one type of keying problem and provides solutions that you can use for your comps. Our first video is about keying hair. Fine hair detail can be a problem to key because it's largely semi-transparent. Not only can the keyer miss it, but it's also close to the grain in size so it can get clobbered with degraining operations. Here we'll look at several solutions to this common keying problem. We'll start up here with our read node because we're doing our denoise here and the important point is first of all that you make sure you set the source for digital or fill. This is a digital camera so we'll use digital. Next, and this is most important, you make sure that the denoise amount has been dialed down to the minimum amount, okay, don't leave it at the default of 1.0. Remember, the more denoise, the less hair…
