From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course

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How the IBKColor assist works

How the IBKColor assist works - Nuke Tutorial

From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course

How the IBKColor assist works

- [Narrator] Sometimes, you just can't make the IBK color node cover everything you want. In the last video, you saw me struggle to get the remnants of these feathers covered, and I didn't quite make it. So here we'll see how to give the IBK color node an assist. So here is me trying to pull an IBK color on the original plate, and you can see I've got some leftover colors, which I'd like to get rid of. So how do we give it an assist? Starting back with the green screen, we pull a hard key. It has to be a hard key. We want nothing here in the backing region and we want gamma slammed down, no holes in our foreground, okay? We're not trying to pull a pretty key. We need a hard key. Once we have the hard key, the next step is to take it and dilate it to expand it and make it a little larger. We then pipe it over here as the mask input to a key mix node and do this, we comp in the complimentary color to the backing region. For a green screen, we open this up. You can see my green screen…
