From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course

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Discovering NUKE's hidden chroma keyer

Discovering NUKE's hidden chroma keyer - Nuke Tutorial

From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course

Discovering NUKE's hidden chroma keyer

- [Instructor] The chromakeyer combines hue, saturation, and brightness keys into a single keyer. The idea is to constrain the keyer to a specific hue, saturation, and brightness in order to isolate the target. So a chromakeyer is very useful, but you won't find one in NUKE, because it's actually hidden inside the HSVTool. I'll show you what I mean. I'm gonna select this picture here, go up to the Color tab. Come on down to the HSVTool. Now, it's designed to replace colors using HSV selection. So if we go to the eyedropper for the source color. Let me sample this red building. Then we come to the destination color, and I can either pick a color or pick one from the color-picker here. And I have done a color replacement, which is exactly what the HSVTool was designed to do. Now, I seem to have also colored my poor people, which is why the HSVTool has a whole bunch of other adjustments here, so that we can go in and refine the key, so we only hit the area we want. Okay well, that's what…
