From the course: Nuke Essential Training (2014)

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Adding lights

Adding lights

Nuke has three types of lights, a point light, a spotlight and direct or parallel light. They all support shadow casting, and can be created in Nuke or imported from FBX files. We're starting off the 3D scene here, with no lights at all. With no light in the scene, you get a flat lighting model. In other words, the actual RGB value of all the texture maps, is preserved in the render. So let's switch to 3D, and then we'll pull back to take a look at our scene. Whenever we add a light, the lighting model switches to an 18% diffuse shading model, and I'll show you that. Our lights are here in a 3D> Lights. Let's start with the Point light. It lands at origin, throwing everything in the dark. So, I can, in the screen, pick it up in y. I'll move it back here. I want it to be, sort of behind and above the camera. Okay. Maybe like so, all right. Now, if I look through my camera, and lock at the viewfinder. I can dial up the intensity. We can even adjust the color. And even, dial in the…
