From the course: Ukulele Lessons: Fundamentals

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The triple strum

The triple strum

- The triple strum is commonly used on the ukelele. George Formby was one who made it popular many years ago. It's played by doing a down stroke, followed by a down stroke with your thumb, and an up stroke with your index finger. Now in your book, it says to do the first down stroke with your index finger, but to give it a little emphasis, I use my middle finger and my ring finger to play the first down stroke, followed by my thumb, another down stroke, and then I go up with my index finger. So it looks like this. Down, with your middle and ring. Down, with your thumb, and up with your index. One more time. Down, down, up. Down, down, up. Okay. Example 43. We'll play the triple strum four times. Nice and slow, here we go. One, two, three. Down, down, up. Down, down, up. Down, down, up. Down, down, up. Now in example 44, we're going to do two triple strums, followed by a down, and an up. This is a very common rhythm to play. We'll do it nice and slow. What we'll do is, one, two, three,…
