From the course: Ukulele Lessons: Fundamentals

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The triple burst strum

The triple burst strum

- A sixteenth note divides the beat into four equal parts. So remember, an eighth note divides a beat into two equal parts. A triplet divides it into three. A sixteenth note divides it into four. And we count that by saying one E and a two E and a three E and a four E and a. One E and a two E and a three E and a four E and a. So that's taking a beat and dividing it into four. A sixteenth note triplet divides a beat into six. So, we have six beats in place of four. Sounds like this. One two three four five six. One two three four five six. One two three four five six. One two three four five six. One two three four five six. One two three four five six. One two three four five six. One two three four five six. Okay. So in example 47, we're going to do what is called a triplet burst. And we're going to strum it down, up, down, up. 'Kay. So we just go down, up, down, up. And we do it quickly. (laughs) Like that. Okay. In example 48, we're going to do a triplet burst. But we're going to…
