From the course: Piano Lessons: Teach Yourself to Play

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The major scale

The major scale

- A Scale is a series of notes that follows a pattern of whole steps and half steps. The Major Scale is made of two Tetrachords joined by a Whole Step. Each Scale begins and end on a note of the same name as the Scale called the Key Note. The C Major Scale is constructed by starting on the key Note C. There is no sharp or flat in the C Major Scale. Since there are eight notes in a Major Scale and we only have five fingers, you must be able to cross under the third finger. Here's an exercise that will prepare you to do that. (piano music) Now you're ready to play the C Major Scale. We'll start with the right hand, we're going to go up one octave and come back down. (piano music) And now the left hand. We'll go down first and then come back up. (piano music) There's a new dynamic marking in Joy to the World. Fortissimo, which means to play very loud. This familiar melody uses the C Major Scale. One, two, three, four. (piano music)
