From the course: Mandolin Lessons: 2 Soloing Ideas & Kickoffs

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"Worried Man Blues", part 2

"Worried Man Blues", part 2

- So sometimes the pattern is just holding one note but sometimes you're changing notes in the middle of the pattern. That's probably the most complicated part about this. (plays mandolin) Change. Even though you're in the middle. New pattern. For the whole note. Then, new pattern, change, new pattern. Now the chord change is to a D chord. (plays mandolin) And back to an A. So during the D chord, I'm holding the fourth fret and fifth fret on the middle two strings. And I'm letting the E string ring open. Even though it's not part of the D chord, I love the kind of bright, sparkly feeling of that E. It's the second note in the D scale ringing out through this. It's just charming sounding. It's not atonal or anything. (plays mandolin) So all of the melody notes happen between the fourth fret and the seventh fret. ♫ Takes a worried man ♫ to sing a worried song ♫ It might help to hear the vocal that's happening at that moment. We're not playing ♫ Takes a worried man to sing a worried song…
