From the course: Banjo Lessons: 1 Fundamentals

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- All right, let's get in tune. The old way that people used to get in tune in a situation like this would be just to play the notes, and I'll do that. That's how Pete Seeger started his, the record that went along with his very amazing, wonderful book How to Play the 5-String Banjo, which is just hitting the note. And if you have the ear to hear that, you can tune to that note. That's the first string, that's D. (playing D note) Second string is B. (playing B note) Third string is G. (playing G note) Fourth string is D. (playing D note) The fifth string, the short string here, top string, is G. (playing G note) Another way that people have tuned is by tuning one string to the next string and the next string and the next string and so forth. And if you, for instance, start by getting your fourth string in tune with a piano or a tuning fork-- (playing note) And then, to tune the third string, you take your whatever finger and fret the fifth fret of the fourth string. Fourth string…
