From the course: Ukulele Lessons: Fundamentals

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Sixes and sevens and chords

Sixes and sevens and chords

- Let's learn how to play six chords. The easiest chord to play on the ukelele is a C6, and it's played like this. (ukelele chord) You don't have to finger anything with your left hand. The next six chord is an F6 chord, which is based on an F chord, and the six is played by adding your third finger on the third string, second fret. (ukelele chord) Another voicing for the F6 chord is to put your fourth finger on the third fret of your first string, like so. (ukelele chord) The G6 chord is played by pressing the second fret of your first string, and the second fret of your third string. (ukelele chord) The D6 chord is played by barring the second fret, all four strings. (ukelele chord) The A6 chord is played by first playing an A chord, and adding the six, which is your third finger on the second fret of the second string. (ukelele chord) And the E6 chord is played by using your first finger on the fourth string, first fret, second finger, first fret of the third string, and your third…
