From the course: Mandolin Lessons: 3 Simplifying Difficult Tunes

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Scales with four fingers, part 2

Scales with four fingers, part 2

- The next thing I would do is play a half step below each of the chord tones. This is a good one. Moving chromatically, okay. And going through all four of the fingers. You'll hate me by now, but what can I say. Obsessive-compulsive behavior put to good used. And then there's one more that you'll love. Instead of always starting on the root, start on the 3rd of the chord. Go from the 3rd of the A, which is C sharp, up to the next C sharp. And that's still an A arpeggio. Then start on the 5th. So there's now three ways to play the same A, and of course I'm gonna ask you to play all of them chromatic. And we haven't even dealt with something which is maybe a little more musical and useful. One, four, five. Instead of thinking of this as A then chromatically up and up and up, we're gonna go A, D, E, A. So it's those three principle chords of that key. But then we're gonna take the key concept, the key of A, one, four, five and we're gonna move that chromatic. B flat, E flat, F, B flat…
