From the course: Mandolin Lessons: 3 Simplifying Difficult Tunes

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Scales with four fingers, part 1

Scales with four fingers, part 1

- Okay, I'm going to review something that I've already worked with you on, and that was the idea of playing a scale out of a closed position with your first finger. We worked on it in A, then what I was attempting to get you to do is get really comfortable moving that first finger anywhere on the fingerboard and being aware of what scale you're playing. C at the fifth fret, E flat at the first fret, F sharp. At the fourth fret. Third string. B, second fret, second string. D. F. A flat. D flat. B flat. Wherever you want. A flat. So that's the concept here. Then what we did is we examine the arpeggio that grows out of that. One, three, five and octave. And so you do the same thing. C, F. G. C. Wherever. You want to be really smooth and you notice that as you go up the neck, things get crunched a little tight. G, A, G, F. E flat. D flat. B flat. You can see my thought process here a little bit. I just want to be totally free, know where I am at all times. Again, we're just using the…
