From the course: Banjo Lessons: 1 Fundamentals

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Rolling backup

Rolling backup

- Okay, we've been talking about this kind of pinched and damped, chordal style of backup. There's a whole other way of doing backup which sounds like this (upbeat bouncy banjo music) It's using a roll, in this case a forward roll and let's do this, by the way you want to be moving a little bit away from the bridge because when you're doing backup if you're playing some hard-driving bluegrass and you're going (fast strumming) and then you're doing the backup like that it's just, enough already, enough firepower, let's move away from the bridge and sweeten it up a little bit. (strumming gradually slower) kind of mellow it out a little bit, or with these rolls. (strumming staccato notes) Now this position is a G chord way up the neck, it's the same as this G down here, moved up to here G, A, B, C, D, E, F#, G Don't worry about the technical aspects of it but right now, you're between the 15th and 17th frets, your index is three frets above the double dots here at the 12th fret, if you…
