From the course: Learning Music Notation

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Rehearsal marks, numbers, and barlines

Rehearsal marks, numbers, and barlines

From the course: Learning Music Notation

Rehearsal marks, numbers, and barlines

- [Instructor] The layout of scores and parts is crucial to the success of rehearsals and performances. One often overlooked aspect of this process is the logical placement of rehearsal marks, measure numbers, and special bar lines. Let's start by talking about rehearsal marks. So these are simply numbers or letters placed above the staff to indicate a good place to start rehearsing. So they're typically bolded, and often they're enclosed in a circle or a square. Now, it's recommended that you left align the rehearsal mark with the bar line where the new section starts so that's there's not a confusion about whether the rehearsal mark is in the previous bar or the bar that you intend. They go above the staff, and they go above the top staff in the score. Now, I'll mention again that notation programs typically have the ability to indicate that something like rehearsal marks or certain kinds of text markings are only gonna go above the top staff in the score, but then when you extract…
