From the course: Banjo Lessons: 1 Fundamentals

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Holding the banjo

Holding the banjo

- Well, here were some request videos I'm starting right now here in Fair Lawn, New Jersey. And this first one was requested by Mick who was asking me how to hold the banjo and that's a really good question when you're first starting out. There was a song that talks about having a banjo on your knee. I think they came from Alabama. In fact, I knew a guy who went to Alabama and specifically had a banjo tattooed on his knee for that very purpose, but, that's another story. Basically, the way I'm holding the banjo is the way I like to hold it, which is in my lap. Just plop it right down there and go at it like this. If you want you can throw the strap around your neck for a little extra support. If you don't have a strap, it's not a bad idea to have one. And it kind of, it'll bend your back down a little bit, but it gives you a little extra, (banjo music) it holds things in place a little bit better. So that's, that's one aspect of it. It's interesting, I ran into a banjo instruction…
