From the course: Electric Bass Lessons: Advanced

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Economy of motion

Economy of motion

- Now one thing I try to keep in mind when I'm playing is the concept called the economy of motion. What I'm doing, what I mean by that is I try to get as much as I can without having to move my hand around a lot. I lock my hand in a position and when it's in a good solid spot its kind of easier to get notes out of it from there. For an example I do a lot of things where I bar two strings. I also use another finger and use this joint without having to jump around from string to string I'm just kind of flopping this joint down on that and then lifting it up while the first original finger stays on the first note and that stays there and this thing look. (fast bass notes) So we get that. (fast bass notes) Without a lot of motion I'm getting a lot of notes. (fast bass notes) Pull off it a little bit. That's why sometimes I'll hold that on there. In case I do pull out. (fast bass guitar riff) Now another lick you can do with that including the three strings which I use often. (slow bass…
