From the course: Electric Bass Lessons: Advanced

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- And then we come to the problem, what do you plug into? Basically, I'm into two amps. One for low; (bass guitar pluck) this is basically straight out SVT 4 Pro. (bass guitar pluck) Pretty flat. (bass guitar pluck) I've got compression in the effects send, for a little extra compression. (bass guitar pluck) and the other amp is also an Ampeg SVT, but I'm going through several pre-amps. I'm sorry not several pre-amps but several points here are the Pearce pre-amp I'm using right now; this is an ancient, no longer made pre-amp that has a particularly amazing sound to it. This is my original version that I got in 1979, and so, it's still running, all solid state. Compression, a little noise gate because some of the distortion gets a little bit loud. (bass plucks) Let me turn the noise gate off you can hear a little bit of (equipment hum) little bit of noise so we just gate it out there. And, um, there's a few other things on the rack here which are not being used right now. But one…
