From the course: Banjo Lessons: 1 Fundamentals

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Alternating thumb roll exercises

Alternating thumb roll exercises

From the course: Banjo Lessons: 1 Fundamentals

Alternating thumb roll exercises

- Here comes a little more alternating thumb. This will be the thumb roll exercise, and rather than just having the thumb on the third and fifth strings, I'm gonna move it down to the fourth string. So let's just start with the basic alternating thumb roll we've already been doing. Now let's just have the thumb start on the fourth string this time. Now let's put those together. Now let's do a little exercise, a little etude, a little study utilizing these two variations on the alternating thumb roll. Okay now, if you noticed, we're doing a little bit of fretting here, not worrying, just fretting, and I'm just bringing down the middle finger on the second fret of the fourth string. Fourth string, second fret. Then I'm going to a D7th. And this is an important part about tabulator, if you're looking in the tabulator, you'll notice, when I hit the second fret... When I hit the open fourth string, there's no indication that I'm still playing the second fret of the third string, or that…
