From the course: Mandolin Lessons: 3 Simplifying Difficult Tunes

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Advanced arpeggios, part 1

Advanced arpeggios, part 1

- Okay, we're gonna talk about arpeggios now. Arpeggios are essentially the notes of a chord broken out and played individually. So, by now you've learned several versions of some of your major chords. I'm thinking right about now about A major, you've learned that version of an A chord. You have been playing the bluegrass chop A. You may not understand it completely from a scalular standpoint so let's just look at the A scale quickly. Starting on the second fret of the low G string the A note there. That's your closed position A scale. Two, four, six, seven, two, four, six, seven. The beauty of having that scale under your fingers, is that it's your first movable scale. So essentially anywhere that your first finger goes, that's the shape that you'll want to be in where the two, third and fourth fingers are next to each other and everything else is a whole step apart. So, essentially if you wanted to play B flat you just move that up a half step. There it is. Another half step is B…
