From the course: Learning Modular Synthesis

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The standard formats

The standard formats

- Modular synthesizers have been around since the 1960s, and there used to be several different manufacturers. But for some reason, back in the day, it was the custom for each manufacturer to develop their own format or their own standard for their own modules. They just didn't anticipate that you might want to mix them with modules from another manufacturer. Well fortunately, today, the market has coalesced around three basic formats. Those formats are usually identified by how tall the modules are. 3U, 4U, or 5U, with 1U being a "rack unit," just like your normal studio gear, where 1U high is one and three quarters, or 1.75 inches. Now you can, for the most part, interconnect modules from different formats. However, it's usually good to pick one format to start out with, because that way, you start with one case, one power supply, and put all of your modules in that, instead of having a case for every different format in your studio. 5U is more often referred to as MU for Moog…
