From the course: Learning Modular Synthesis

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Linear through-zero FM

Linear through-zero FM

- [Voiceover] Now if you think the tuning issues with exponential FM would drive you crazy, linear FM, where you are driving an oscillator with a special input that changes the tuning in Hertz, not the tuning at octaves, based on voltage, works much better. So let's patch that up quickly. I'm going to go ahead and keep this VCA in use to drive my modulation depth. But for now I'm going to take my audio output directly from the expert sleepers disting in program 4C. This is a linear FM oscillator that also does what's called Through-Zero FM. If the pitch driving the carry oscillator goes below zero volts, the waveform just backs up and goes the other direction. Not all oscillators do that but it creates a nicer harmonics vector when they do. Here's the output of just that oscillator. (synthesizer tone) Nice sine wave. Some additional harmonics spikes from a little bit of distortion going through this whole chain. Normally the sine wave out of the disting is very pure. Then were going…
