From the course: Learning Modular Synthesis

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Digital wavetable oscillators

Digital wavetable oscillators

- Now some people might assume that having a modular synth means that you must have an analog synth. However, that's not true. There's lots of great digital modules you can buy for modular synthesizers these days. Including a lot of great digital oscillators. Now, analog oscillators sound great, don't get me wrong, but they have a limited number of wave shapes, and therefore a limited number of harmonic spectra for you to use as starting points. Digital oscillators, on the other hand, have access to wave tables. Stored in memory are the shapes of many, many different types of waves they can play back. Therefore, you get lots of, lots and lots of different harmonic spectra and wave shapes to play with. Some that sound like human voices. Some that sound like bells. Some that sound like static. A much wider variety then from an analog oscillator alone. Therefore in this movie, we're gonna play around with a typical wave table oscillator. Particularly one that has many different wave…
