From the course: Acoustic Guitar Lessons: 2 Scales, Walking Bass, Hammer-Ons, and Pull-Offs

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The pentatonic scales, part 2: D and A

The pentatonic scales, part 2: D and A

- Moving right along now, we're gonna look at the pentatonic scale form for D, the D scale and A scale. And just a quick review, a D major scale, to get your hands back into that sort of form. And for all six strings. And below the octave. Takes us down to a low E, you wanna use as many notes, again, we're trying to access as many notes in the D scale within those four frets as possible. So, pentatonic theory is one, two, three, five, six, one. And if you're new to this sort of left hand technique, because it employs a little more of the pinkie now, it's going to be a little bit of a challenge. But that's why these things are so great to practice, just because it gives, it sort of gives a framework within to work there. So, starting, start on the low E. And you have a choice here. You'll notice that if you start on D, one, and the second degree is the E, and when you get up the sixth note is B, which is also there and it's also open. You know, you can, I would encourage you to use…
