From the course: An Insider's Guide to Today's Music Biz: 1 The Big Picture

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The best idea is your idea

The best idea is your idea

- The right idea at the right time can be a game changer; in life and in the music business as well. Whose idea it was is not nearly as important as getting that right idea at the right time, but that's easier said than done. Early in my career when I was young, I was hell-bent to make sure that every great idea was mine and that everybody in the world knew it. Over the years, I spent way too much time fighting and debating ideas that had some merit, only to find that oftentimes, people were fighting me, which seemed like, just for the heck of it. Sometimes people fought the right idea to prove that they're right and I'm wrong. I realized that it was much easier for folks to identify problems in every idea or plan that I had, rather than identifying and offering solutions to those problems. The problem is this, everybody wants credit for the good ideas, and wants no part of any of those bad ideas. That debate wastes time and energy and keeps you from executing that great idea in a…
