From the course: An Insider's Guide to Today's Music Biz: 5 Managers

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When to get a manager

When to get a manager

- Most likely you're gonna need a manager long before you actually ever get one. Realistically, you need that manager when the weight of doing all the business starts to detract from your ability to make the music. The easy answer to when you should get a manager is as soon as you can, but the truth is, only if you can find someone that fits the bill that we described earlier, and can actually help you in a meaningful way. And obviously that's easier said than done for all the reasons we've talked about previously. So, while you're looking for that great manager or waiting for them to find you, you'll likely feel this unbelievable pressure to settle for any manager you can get. That weight of responsibility and the work load can be daunting. It can make you feel weak and powerless. You'll feel like you just can't do it for another day, and you become desperate. So what often happens, I find, is that someone will volunteer to be your manager, and you just can't wait to say yes. Your'e…
