From the course: An Insider's Guide to Today's Music Biz: 5 Managers

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- Okay, now that you've sorted out the term, let's talk about what that commission rate is gonna be. Most managers do not typically work on a salary. They're paid on a commission based on a percentage of income. If you're gonna work on this basis as a manager, you really have to believe in what you're doing and who you're doing it with. Remember this: no money for the artist, no money for the manager. That's the mathematics of the management business. Typically that manager's commission rate is between 15 and 20% of gross income generated during the term of the agreement. Unless otherwise specified, gross income would include all income sources including, but not limited to, records, music publishing, touring, merchandising, sponsorships, commercial endorsements, and any other income-producing opportunity generated during the term of the agreement. But as is often the case in the music business, it's not quite that simple. There are typically some deductions off the gross income…
