From the course: An Insider's Guide to Today's Music Biz: 8 Music Publishing

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Publishing contracts intro

Publishing contracts intro

- While publishing deals are not quite as complex as a record deal, there are still lots of details that are best covered by an experienced music business attorney. So when it comes time to actually make a publishing deal, I'm going to recommend that you get that attorney and let him walk you through all those details. In this lesson, I'm going to talk about the different types of publishing deals, the terms of those deals, what kind of advances you can expect, we're going to talk about how to figure out splits when you write with other artists, we're going to talk about that very important concept of reversion of your copyrights, and I'm going to give you some thoughts about how publishing plays into those 360 deals we talked about a bit earlier. When you make a publishing deal, you are assigning ownership in your copyrights to a music publisher whose job it will be to exploit those copyrights. When you make that publishing deal, you're agreeing to turn over all the songs you write…
