From the course: An Insider's Guide to Today's Music Biz: 2 Making Great Music

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Intro and cost to record

Intro and cost to record

- Alright, once you've written those great songs the next step is to turn them into great recordings. In a perfect world you'd be making that record with a big time record company, with big time resources, and big time connections. However, for most of the artists just getting started here today, the reality is that you're going to make those first recordings of your music yourself with little or no budget at all. We'll talk a little bit more about that later but for now, let's spend some time dreaming and imagine that we're doing that record for a major label and talk about what that might look like. The cost of making a record will vary depending on the size and success of the label making it. Major label releases can cost anywhere from $200,000 to upwards of $1 million in general. A lot of it depends on the genre of music. Rock and Country albums where the artists typically write their own music and use a single producer and their own musicians are probably at the lower end of that…
