From the course: An Insider's Guide to Today's Music Biz: 3 Treating Your Career as a Business

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- The last and maybe one of the most important key elements of a successful business is financing. In our big picture lesson, we talked about this idea of getting the money. And while I understand that most artists don't enjoy talking about it, without money, businesses cannot operate. Every business needs money to develop and create those great products, to distribute those products, to market those products, to pay for a talented management team. And you are going to need money too. To buy equipment, to make and record that music, to make videos, to build a website, to market and promote your music, to go on tour, to pay your professional team. Typically, most businesses have to invest lots of money up front to develop those successful products long before those products generate any income. In the music business, more often than not, record labels have been the bankers providing the money to get the machine rolling. And they have some distinct advantages over Indy artists and…
