From the course: An Insider's Guide to Today's Music Biz: 3 Treating Your Career as a Business

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- Let's talk about what happens when a band member leaves. Band members come and go for all kinds of reasons. Sometimes they're fired, sometimes they quit, sometimes they're incapacitated, and sometimes they die. When they do leave it's important for the remaining members and the leaving member to know exactly what their rights and responsibilities are. How you'll treat that leaving member will depend on what the circumstances were when they left the group. Having an agreement in place ensures that this all happens in an orderly fashion for both parties. The impact of not getting it right can be a mess. When Kurt Cobain died and left Nirvana his band mates were stuck with Courtney Love who caused all kind of grief. Band members who have been fired have been known to grow bitter and desperate. They create havoc on chatboards, they file frivolous law suits, which waste time and money. When you started that band it was one for all and all for one, but in the real world things don't…
