From the course: An Insider's Guide to Today's Music Biz: 5 Managers

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Artist-manager relationship: Trust

Artist-manager relationship: Trust

- Finally, you gotta trust. The glue that holds this artist/manager relationship together is trust. You've gotta trust your musical partners to do their job. You've gotta trust your professional team to do their jobs. You need to trust that you've picked the right partners, and then, you need to let them do their job. If it turns out that you've got the wrong folks, and you need to make some changes, that's okay. It happens. But consistently second guessing your band members and partners and managers is the sign of a problem. Too often I've seen artists who are always trying to do somebody else's job, who second guess every decision, who can only tell you what's wrong and never what's right. They waste time. They waste energy. They confuse the process and end up getting less done than if they just let their partners do their job. Great artist/manage relationships don't happen by accident. They happen because both parties work at it. Take the time to get to know each other. Be honest…
