From the course: After Effects Weekly

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Parenting Cinema 4D files

Parenting Cinema 4D files - After Effects Tutorial

From the course: After Effects Weekly

Parenting Cinema 4D files

- [Instructor] In this weekly tip I'll show you how to overcome the absence of the parent option when you are working with Cinema 4D files inside After Effects. So I have this project that I'm working on for a cleaner energy solution. It was constructed as a big multi layered photo shop file which I'm animating here inside After Effects using this animator null object. And as you can see all the layers are parented to this animator that it only has two key frames. So I can modify the whole animation very easily if there is a need. Now the only problem is that if I'm going to add some Cinema 4D document as I have over here in the timeline, I'm basically losing the ability to connect those files to the animator. And let me show you what I mean. I'm going to go to the beginning over here and I'm going to switch on the visibility for those two layers, the oil pump and another version which holds the shadow for it. If I'm going to take one of them doesn't really matter which one and I'm…
