From the course: Learning Microsoft Teams for Education

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Types of teams

Types of teams

- [Instructor] When creating a team, inside of Microsoft Teams for Education, you'll have several different team types to choose from. In this course, the main focus will be to create a team for your class. In which you can communicate, share resources, deliver assignments, and more with your students. Before we get started however, let's take a quick look at the different types of teams that you can create. The first, is to create a Class, in which teachers and students, can meet virtually, communicate, collaborate, work on assignments, and more. The second type is a PLC, or professional learning community. You can use this type to collaborate with other professionals. It's a great option for sharing resources, and best practices, for creating research groups, or whatever else you want to collaborate on. Next, there are teams for Staff. Creating a team amongst staff members at your institution, can be a great way to give…
