From the course: Learning Microsoft Teams for Education

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Record and share a meeting

Record and share a meeting

- [Instructor] When hosting a meeting on Microsoft Teams, you have the ability to record that meeting. This can be a good idea for several reasons. Once the meeting's over, you have a copy that can be shared with attendees. This allows them to go back through the meeting if there's anything they wanted to clarify or hear again. This is especially helpful when the meeting is a lesson that you're teaching to students. It can be extremely helpful for them to go back and reference that. Now another reason is to show people who were unable to attend the meeting. Once the meeting's recorded, it will be stored inside of Microsoft Stream and you'll be able to share the recording with others in your organization. Let's take a look at how to record a meeting. So on my screen right now, I'm inside of a meeting that I recently started. And in here, I want to start recording the main part of the meeting. So in order to record it,…
