From the course: Microsoft Teams Tips Weekly

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Learn tips for mastering Microsoft Teams

Learn tips for mastering Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Teams Tutorial

From the course: Microsoft Teams Tips Weekly

Learn tips for mastering Microsoft Teams

- [Nick] Microsoft Teams has quickly become the default messaging and collaboration system for many companies, schools, and other organizations. You may use Teams for group messaging, private chats, sharing files, and scheduling online meetings but I would bet there are lots of amazing tools in Teams that you've never touched. I'm Nick Brazzi and I'm working on a series of videos to give you one or two of these little gems of productivity each week. Some of these are videos about customizing the interface so that you can get your most vital messages as quickly as possible. Some are there to help you share files and find files that have been shared more easily. And of course, Teams is very popular for online meetings and there are plenty of underused features that can make your video calls go much more smoothly. So I hope you'll check back in with me each week. There's no shortage of these useful tools and techniques and…
