From the course: Microsoft Teams Tips Weekly

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Create a team from template

Create a team from template

- [Instructor] In this week's Tips for Microsoft Teams we'll see a new feature that lets you make a new team from a template. Starting in the Teams category, I am a member of several teams, so I see them listed here. But if I need to make a new team to organize conversations for a different group of coworkers, I'll click this option at the bottom to join or create a team. Then I'll click this button to create team. Now in the past, in most cases you would probably make a team from scratch. Then you would choose whether you want a public or private team and so on, but I want to take a step back. I'll just click this back button here. And now I want you to see that there are these templates included. So you can scroll through and see if any of these match the sort of team that you're making. So maybe if you are managing an event, you could choose that template and it shows you what will be included in that template.…
