From the course: Learning Microsoft Teams for Education

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Building your digital classroom: next steps

Building your digital classroom: next steps

From the course: Learning Microsoft Teams for Education

Building your digital classroom: next steps

- [Oliver Schinkten] Thank you for joining me in this course. Hopefully, it gave you an overview of Microsoft Teams for education. And empowered you to get your class team up and running. My recommended next step is to customize your account settings and dive in. Start trying out the features. Familiarize yourself with the chat and conversations features. Find some apps to integrate in to Teams to make it even more powerful. Also, set up some practice meetings with co-workers. These virtual meetings can be intimidating at first. But after a few of them you'll get more and more comfortable. I'm confident that as you start using Teams you'll find out which features work best for you and your situation. This was an introductory course. But if you like to start learning even more about Microsoft Teams for education, I recommend that you check out their help section. Which provides a plethora of great information…
