From the course: Microsoft Project Tips Weekly

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Format numbers, part 1: Formatting in a text field

Format numbers, part 1: Formatting in a text field

From the course: Microsoft Project Tips Weekly

Format numbers, part 1: Formatting in a text field

- [Bonnie Biafore] Hi there. I'm Bonnie Biafore. Let's say you want to change the way numbers appear in a view. Like setting the number of decimal places, or to include commas to group digits. In this tip I'll show you how to do just that. In this project file, I have some custom number fields. The first one shows the area, the square feet, that's being done in a construction task. The second one calculates the average square feet per hour that the construction crew completes. Now, the thing is, when you look at the numbers in tasks 40 and 41, particularly 41, I see two decimal places. There's no way to format this number field to show the number a different way. But it's kind of hard to read. And we might want to change how many decimal places we see. The trick is, you can format the values in a text field. So we're going to set up a custom text field, and then use a formula to format our custom number field. I'm going to…
