From the course: Migrating from AutoCAD to MicroStation

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Using the mouse

Using the mouse

- [Jeanne] In this exercise we will learn to use the various mouse configurations in MicroStation to control the drawing views. Open the file for Chapter One, "Surviving the Interface.dgn". One of the most important aspects of using the MicroStation interface is to learn how to use the mouse efficiently. There are several mouse configurations available for purchase today. And each of you probably have a different mouse in front of you. For this session I am going to talk about three of the most common mouse configurations available today. The most common mouse used today, is the mouse that consists of two buttons and a wheel, for panning and scrolling. In the MicroStation environment the left mouse button is referred to as a data button. And the right mouse button is referred to as a reset button. You will use the data button, or the left mouse button, to select buttons and elements in the application. And you will use the reset button to reset out of commands, and to access specific…
