From the course: Migrating from AutoCAD to MicroStation

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- [Instructor] Continue using the file for chapter six: Manipulate Basic Geometry.dgn. Using View Groups, select the Mirror model. Now we will use the Mirror command to flip existing objects about an axis. There are several options available for controlling how elements are mirrored. Mirror Horizontal will mirror the element about a horizontal axis. Mirror Vertical will mirror vertical elements about a vertical axis, and Line will mirror elements about a user-defined, linear axis. Let's look at how to mirror an element about a horizontal line. Using the position mapping shortcut key three, I will select the Mirror command, and identify the stair-step shape as the element that I want to mirror about the magenta line. Next, I need to select the horizontal line to Mirror About. And I will select this magenta line. By default, the Mirror command will not retain the original element. I will go ahead and undo using Control Z and then using the Tool Settings dialogue, I will turn on the Make…
