From the course: Migrating from AutoCAD to MicroStation

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Copy and move parallel

Copy and move parallel

- [Instructor] Continue using the file for chapter six, Manipulate Basic Geometry dot DGN In this exercise, we will take a look at the copy and move parallel commands. Using view groups, select the copy and move parallel model. The move parallel command allows me to move or copy elements so that they have specific distances between them. To turn this into a copy parallel command, more similar to offset, you must turn on the make copy option in the tool settings dialog. I honestly have never used move parallel, I always use the copy parallel command. When you use copy parallel, you need to define the distance between the elements. For example, I want to offset the smart line upwards using a distance of ten feet. So I will select the existing smart line and issue a left mouse click anywhere above that element. This point determines if the copied element is above or below the existing element. You can continue to issue left mouse clicks above or below the existing element until all…
