From the course: Migrating from AutoCAD to MicroStation

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- [Instructor] Now, let's take a look at using the array element command. Continue using the file for chapter six, Manipulate Basic Geometry.dgn. Using View Groups, select the ARRAY model. The array element command allows me to copy elements into an arranged pattern. This pattern can be in a rectangular shape, defined by rows and columns, or in a polar shape, arranged in a circular pattern, or along a path. I will use the position mapping shortcut key 36 to access the array command. Using the tool settings dialogue, set the method to rectangular, and verify that the active angle is set to zero. I will define two rows and three columns for this array. I will set the row spacing and column spacing to 35 feet. The prompt field is asking me to identify the elements that I want to array, so I will identify this square shape. You can select the shape anywhere, since all of the array definitions have already been defined using the tool settings dialogue, and I will see a preview of the…
