From the course: Meshmixer Essential Training

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Multiple support iteration

Multiple support iteration - Meshmixer Tutorial

From the course: Meshmixer Essential Training

Multiple support iteration

- Now If you want to be able to click the create support structure's button more than once to create different types of support structures, you have to kind of do a hack around that. So I'm going to go here to analysis, to overhangs. I'm going to go down to the Ultimaker 2 settings just to start off with. I'm going to turn the density down quite a bit to 25. We still have a base diameter of 15 and a post diameter of three. That's totally fine. And click generate support. Since the density is low it creates supports really, really quickly. So this would be a good rough setting. For a lot of uses you don't need to use this, but I do get this question sometimes on how to create multiple different sizes using just this generate button. So see if I try to click on this I can't click on it anymore. So what I need to do is be able to turn this into essentially a model and then run it again. So what I'm going to do here is say, convert to solid and I'm going to create a new object. So…
