From the course: Meshmixer: Function and Command Reference


- [Narrator] This video is on the Depth Brush Modifier. I'm going to go into Sculpt here and select Pinch. This is a good example of how to use Depth. If I turn on Wireframe, Depth is this slider right here that goes from negative 50 to zero to positive 50. So, what this does is it essentially makes the effect of the brush either pop into or out of the mesh, and I'll show you what this means. I'll zoom in a little bit. This is with Depth zero on Pinch. You see, I'm pinching the mesh right here. It's bringing it in. But if I rotate around, the mesh hasn't really been changed all that much at all. So now, we're going to compare that to a Depth of minus 50, and pinch and drag. Now, you can see that the effect of this has popped towards you. When the Depth is negative, it means that it's coming towards you. And conversely, if I put this to a depth of 50 and pinch, see, it goes away from you. This is also based on the brush size. So, we're still at a depth of 50. But if I make the brush size smaller, you can see it's much, much more dense and it only going down to the depth of the brush, if you zoom in here. If I hold down on the Pinch Tool, it doesn't really go any deeper than the depth, which you can see right there, which I held it down. Conversely, if I go like this, it won't go any farther than the negative 50 depth towards you. If I hold it down right here, it doesn't get any really farther out than the rest of the ridge. So, that is an overview of what Depth does.
