From the course: 3D Scanning a Person

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Cutting a flat bottom

Cutting a flat bottom - Meshmixer Tutorial

From the course: 3D Scanning a Person

Cutting a flat bottom

- In this video, we'll use the Plane Cut tool to cut a flat bottom for our scan. We'll need a flat bottom for printing on a desktop 3D printer, but even with a commercial process, it's always helpful so that our model can stand up straight. Let's go to the edit menu and choose Plane Cut. This big blue arrow here toggles which section of our model will be cut off. We can use the gizmo here to drag our plane up and down. Now ours is oriented correctly, but you could also rotate it if you needed to get it in different orientation. This S here, if we click on it, S is for Snap. And then drag our blue arrow, it actually snaps to grid increments and while I have this active, if I type the up or down arrows, I can change the grid snapping increment. So I'll pull this down here ... That looks pretty good, get a nice visual. You can see that it's going to make a filled bottom that's defined here, DelRefine is the fill type. That looks great, I'll choose accept! Then one last thing, let's…
