From the course: Maya: Tips, Tricks & Techniques

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Rig and animate a tank track

Rig and animate a tank track - Maya Tutorial

From the course: Maya: Tips, Tricks & Techniques

Rig and animate a tank track

- [George] Hi, I'm George Maestri, and today we're going to take a look at tank tracks. We're going to animate a simple tank track, using motion paths and expressions. And, in fact, it's not really a tank track, it's actually a little snowmobile track, but it will work just as fine on a tank. So, let's get started. We have some layers in this file, so we can hide all that stuff that we don't need. So if I go over to my Layers panel here, we have Body_Layer and R_Track_Layer. And we're going to leave L_Track_Layer open. And this is all the stuff we'll need, except, we also have some additional wheels here. So I'm going to go ahead and Shift + Select these, and then, just do a Display, Hide Selection. So now, this is all that we need to animate this tank track. So, what we need to do is get one of these treads going around this curve. Now, this is just basically a NURBS curve, and I've gone ahead and rebuilt this curve so it's nice and even. So, this curve will be the path around where…
