From the course: Maya 2018: Bifröst Fluids

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Displaying channel data as mesh vertex color

Displaying channel data as mesh vertex color - Maya Tutorial

From the course: Maya 2018: Bifröst Fluids

Displaying channel data as mesh vertex color

- [Instructor] Some bifrost channels can be stored in the vertex color of liquid mesh. This can be alive by frost mesh, generated on the fly, or it can be a cache. Vertex colors in an olympic cache are displayed automatically when the mesh file is loaded. For a bifrost BIF, or BIF cache, we need to enable the display. In this scene I have a BIF cache imported, and the simulation is disabled. I'll go to frame 120 in the timeline, and that may take a moment to load in. Once it loads in the outliner at the very bottom, we'll find bifrost liquid one mesh cache. Select that and in order to see the vertex colors, let's disable selection highlighting. From the viewport menu, choose show, turn off selection highlighting. And the object is still selected. In the attribute editor we see the mesh attributes displayed. We can open up mesh component display and down here we have a switch display colors. Turn that on, and now we see some very colorful vertices in the view port. We can change the…
