From the course: Modeling an F1 Wheel in Maya

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Adding a chamfer using the Bevel tool

Adding a chamfer using the Bevel tool - Maya Tutorial

From the course: Modeling an F1 Wheel in Maya

Adding a chamfer using the Bevel tool

In this video, I'm going to show you how to add a bevel to the body solid that we created in the previous video. In chapter two, if you open up scene file F1 bevel. Let's take a look at the layer structure on the right hand side. At the very top, we've got Body_Chanfer. And this is going to be the end result of this particular video. And you'll notice on this body chamfer we have a protrusion, at the mid point here, which we didn't have with our solid. So let's add that very quickly. Let's hold that body chamfer, and open up body solid, which was the end result of our last video. I'm going to right click on there, select face, holding the Shift down, I'm going to select both of these two faces, and let's just go straight to the Extrude command. We'll extrude just a small portion like this. I go to the top view, and let's add our reference image. The reason for this extrusion is that I wanted to have some sort of Protrusion that ends up inside of this red portion of the handle. So, I'm…
