From the course: Content Marketing: Producing and Promoting Live Video

The power of live video

From the course: Content Marketing: Producing and Promoting Live Video

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The power of live video

- Social media is an incredible tool that you can use to grow your business. But it can be challenging to stand out. With so many different websites, platforms, and apps, how do you know what to use to really get visibility for your business? When my clients come to me because they feel frustrated with not getting any visibility or engagement with their content, I always recommend trying out live video. Hi, I'm Melodie Tao, also known as Marketing Melodie. I'm a social media consultant and a professional speaker at both live and virtual events. I've been teaching business owners how to stand out with social media for over a decade so that they're top of mind when it comes time to buy. While live video gets more views and visibility than other types of social media, it's still the least used type of content. And that's because people are afraid to go live. They don't want to mess up in front of the camera, and they also feel intimidated when they see other people go live and those people seem like they're perfect on live camera. In this live video course, I'm here to take away the intimidation factor of going live. I'll walk you through step-by-step on how you can either get started or improve your live video presence. We'll cover different types of live video that may work for your business, we'll go over ways to promote your live video, and we'll also talk about easy ways for you to get started. Forget needing big fancy lighting or expensive equipment. This course is designed to make going live fun, accessible, and profitable for your business, even if you've never gone live before.
